All we need to give you a quote is 5 minutes of your time to complete the boxes below. We'll have a look at what you need and get back to you within 1 working day. Alternatively, if you would like to call us to discuss your needs please do so on 01280 701335.
Please try to fill out as much information as possible. If you are unsure as to any information don't worry, we'll work with what you've got and call you if we need anything else.
Plasmotec Quote Request
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Weight of Product
Drawing or Sketch (Press browse to find a file to upload to our website, a 3D CAD file (IGES, STEP, ParaSolid) is ideal, but we'll work with whatever you've got.
Does any tooling currently exist for the part? Additionally, if a tool does exist, would Plasmotec be able to use it?
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* Required Field